Can I Make Money by Testing Websites and Apps?

Can I Make Money by Testing Websites and Apps?

Testing websites and apps is an increasingly popular way to make money online. 

As the demand for user-friendly digital experiences grows, companies are investing more in usability testing to ensure their products meet user expectations. 

This comprehensive guide explores how you can make money by testing websites and apps, the skills you need, the platforms that connect testers with companies, and tips for success.


With the rapid proliferation of websites and mobile applications, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance user experience. User testing has emerged as a crucial step in the development process, ensuring that websites and apps are intuitive, functional, and appealing. This has opened up opportunities for individuals to earn money by testing these digital products.

What is Usability Testing?

Usability testing involves evaluating a product by testing it with real users. Testers perform specific tasks while observers watch, listen, and take notes. The goal is to identify any usability problems, collect qualitative and quantitative data, and determine the user’s satisfaction with the product.

How to Get Started

Essential Skills and Equipment

Skills Needed

  1. Attention to Detail: Ability to notice small issues that could affect user experience.
  2. Communication Skills: Clearly articulate your thoughts, findings, and feedback.
  3. Technical Proficiency: Basic understanding of how websites and apps function.
  4. Critical Thinking: Ability to think critically about the user interface and user experience.

Equipment Required

  1. Computer or Smartphone: Depending on what you are testing, you will need a reliable device.
  2. Internet Connection: A stable and fast internet connection is essential.
  3. Microphone and Webcam: Some tests require you to record your screen and voice or participate in live testing sessions.
  4. Testing Software: Specific platforms might require you to install their software to conduct tests.

Setting Up Your Profile

  1. Sign Up on Multiple Platforms: Join several user testing platforms to increase your chances of getting tests.
  2. Complete Your Profile: Provide accurate and detailed information about your demographics, devices, and skills.
  3. Take Qualification Tests: Some platforms require you to pass an initial test to qualify as a tester.

Top Platforms for Website and App Testing

1. UserTesting

Overview: UserTesting is one of the most popular platforms, connecting testers with companies worldwide. It offers a variety of testing opportunities, including website, app, and prototype testing.

How It Works:

  • Sign Up: Create an account and complete a sample test.
  • Get Invites: Receive invitations to participate in tests based on your profile.
  • Complete Tests: Follow the instructions, perform tasks, and provide feedback.
  • Get Paid: Payments are made via PayPal seven days after completing a test.


  • High demand for testers.
  • Variety of testing opportunities.
  • Competitive pay rates.


  • Screening process can be stringent.
  • Tests may not be available frequently for all demographics.

2. TryMyUI

Overview: TryMyUI focuses on user experience testing for websites and mobile apps. It is known for its user-friendly interface and straightforward testing process.

How It Works:

  • Sign Up: Register and take a qualification test.
  • Receive Tests: Get test invitations via email.
  • Perform Tests: Complete tasks and record your screen and voice.
  • Submit Feedback: Provide written responses to follow-up questions.
  • Get Paid: Payments are made via PayPal bi-weekly.


  • User-friendly platform.
  • Detailed instructions for each test.
  • Timely payments.


  • Qualification test can be challenging.
  • Limited number of tests available.

3. Userlytics

Overview: Userlytics offers usability testing for websites, apps, and prototypes. It allows testers to participate in both moderated and unmoderated sessions.

How It Works:

  • Sign Up: Create an account and complete your profile.
  • Receive Invitations: Get notified of available tests.
  • Perform Tests: Follow instructions, perform tasks, and provide feedback.
  • Get Paid: Payments are made via PayPal after the test is reviewed and approved.


  • Offers both moderated and unmoderated tests.
  • Global reach with diverse testing opportunities.
  • Flexible payment options.


  • Payouts can be lower compared to other platforms.
  • Limited availability of tests.

4. TestingTime

Overview: TestingTime connects testers with companies for usability testing sessions that can be conducted remotely or in-person. It focuses on gathering detailed user feedback.

How It Works:

  • Sign Up: Register and complete your profile.
  • Receive Invitations: Get invited to participate in studies.
  • Schedule Sessions: Book a time slot for the test.
  • Perform Tests: Complete tasks and provide feedback.
  • Get Paid: Payments are made via direct bank transfer or PayPal.


  • High-quality tests with detailed feedback required.
  • Option for in-person and remote testing.
  • Transparent payment process.


  • Tests are less frequent.
  • Requires scheduling, which can limit flexibility.

5. Respondent

Overview: Respondent is a platform that connects researchers with participants for usability testing, market research, and other studies. It offers high-paying opportunities for testers.

How It Works:

  • Sign Up: Create an account and complete your profile.
  • Browse Projects: Search for available projects that match your profile.
  • Apply for Studies: Apply to participate in studies.
  • Complete Tests: Perform tasks and provide feedback.
  • Get Paid: Payments are made via PayPal after the study is completed.


  • High-paying opportunities.
  • Diverse range of studies.
  • Flexible participation.


  • Competitive application process.
  • Studies can be infrequent.

Tips for Success

Providing Valuable Feedback

  1. Be Detailed: Provide thorough feedback, including what you liked, what you didn’t, and why.
  2. Be Honest: Honest feedback helps companies improve their products.
  3. Be Constructive: Offer suggestions for improvement rather than just pointing out flaws.

Maximizing Earnings

  1. Join Multiple Platforms: Increase your chances of getting tests by signing up on several platforms.
  2. Complete Your Profile: A detailed profile increases the likelihood of receiving test invitations.
  3. Stay Available: Regularly check your email and platform dashboards for new opportunities.
  4. Improve Your Skills: Take online courses or tutorials to enhance your usability testing skills.

Managing Time and Workflow

  1. Set a Schedule: Dedicate specific times of the day for testing.
  2. Stay Organized: Keep track of deadlines, test requirements, and payments.
  3. Invest in Good Equipment: Ensure you have reliable devices and a stable internet connection to avoid technical issues.

Potential Earnings

Average Pay Rates

  • UserTesting: $10 per 20-minute test.
  • TryMyUI: $10 per 20-minute test.
  • Userlytics: $5 to $90 per test, depending on complexity.
  • TestingTime: $50 to $60 per hour.
  • Respondent: $50 to $250 per study.

Factors Affecting Earnings

  1. Demographics: Certain demographics may receive more test invitations.
  2. Experience: Experienced testers may get access to higher-paying tests.
  3. Availability: Testers who are available more often can take on more tests.

Maximizing Income

  1. Diverse Profile: Include a wide range of interests and skills in your profile to qualify for more tests.
  2. High-Quality Feedback: Providing valuable feedback can lead to more test invitations.
  3. Timely Responses: Respond quickly to test invitations to secure a spot.

Case Studies of Successful Testers

Example 1: John, a Full-Time Tester

Background: John is a stay-at-home dad who started testing websites and apps to earn extra income. He joined multiple platforms and quickly learned the nuances of usability testing.

Strategies for Success:

  • Diverse Platforms: John signed up for six different testing platforms to maximize his opportunities.
  • Consistent Schedule: He dedicated 3-4 hours each day to testing.
  • High-Quality Feedback: John’s detailed and constructive feedback led to repeat invitations from companies.

Earnings: John earns an average of $1,500 per month from usability testing.

Example 2: Sarah, a Part-Time Tester

Background: Sarah is a college student who uses usability testing to supplement her income. She balances her studies and testing by dedicating weekends to testing.

Strategies for Success:

  • Targeted Platforms: Sarah focused on high-paying platforms like Respondent and TestingTime.
  • Flexible Schedule: She adjusted her testing schedule around her classes and assignments.
  • Skill Improvement: Sarah took online courses to enhance her usability testing skills.

Earnings: Sarah earns about $800 per month from part-time usability testing.


Testing websites and apps can be a viable way to make money online, whether you’re looking for a full-time gig or a part-time side hustle. 

By joining multiple platforms, providing high-quality feedback, and continuously improving your skills, you can maximize your earnings and make a significant impact on the usability of digital products. 

The demand for user-friendly websites and apps is only growing, making this an opportune time to enter the field of usability testing. With dedication and persistence, you can turn this opportunity into a profitable venture.

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